6 Supplements to Balance Hormones

It's Friday once again! Holla for the weekend, amirght?! I love today's topic because it is an actual tool to push you in the right direction to freedom from PMS, hormonal acne, better sleep and possibly a healthier weight! Now, I truly believe that beauty is a whole. That means nutrition, fitness, supplements, mental health and skin treatments. All the above leads to a balanced and happy life! I hope this topic helps and propels you in the right direction.

Here is the IGTV that correlates to this topic! Check it out to see me in action ?⬇️


DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor! I simply want to give the world options to heal internally, which leads to healing externally. This information is provided by Alisa Vitti, HHC and her blog Flo Living.

The past few weeks we have covered what our Infradian Rhythm is, 6 ways to balance hormones, birth control and now today, we talk supplements. I highly suggest downloading the My Flo App to learn how to plan your work, love life, meals and workouts according to the phase you are in. The app is what I use daily to check in, track and understand exactly what my body is doing at different times and how I can best support it that week. It’s amazing! Supplements have always been a part of my regimen and I always try things out before I talk about them. I have not tried Alisa's Balance Supplements, but those look like a really great option for those really struggling with serious PMS like me as well as hormonal acne. She’s done all the heavy lifting for you without you having to try to put a regimen together and hope for the best. Ok, are you ready? Let’s go over the supplements that help with PMS! ??

Supplements to Fight PMS and Balance Hormones

  1. Magnesium- Research suggests that magnesium helps alleviate symptoms of PMS, including weight gain, breast tenderness, and bloating. Magnesium is also great for promoting relaxation, reducing anxiety and stress, and encouraging good sleep. A high-quality magnesium supplement makes a great addition to your PMS-fighting arsenal.
  2. Vitamin B2, B6 and B12- Supplementing with up to 100mg/day of vitamin B6 is likely to help treat premenstrual symptoms, and premenstrual depression, according to research.
  3. Omega 3s & Vitamin D3- Both of these nutrients help promote hormone balance. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with reproductive hormone imbalances in both men and women. Omega-3s help protect against anxiety and depression and may help reduce cramps.
  4. Vitamin E- breast tenderness, according to research. (So does vitamin B6!)
  5. ALA- Alpha Lipoic Acid- ALA offers powerful antioxidant support for the liver as it works to metabolize excess estrogen — remember: too much estrogen relative to progesterone can trigger PMS symptoms — and also supports stable blood sugar.
  6. Calcium- Calcium supplements have been shown to help with mood swings during the luteal phase


  • Vitex- supports progesterone & luteinizing hormones which are necessary for your body to ovulate, have regular cycles and avoid hormone imbalance (short term use)

I love it when I can read something and have an immediate plan of action. Same for you I’m sure! Here is what you need to know: download the app listed above and try out Flo Living's line of supplements, also listed above, to balance hormones and finally feel amazing. This gives us our woman power back and it makes me ECSTATIC. Go feel healed and whole, you boss babe you.

To see what I do, eat, and tips for every day, follow my Instagram! It’s so fun over there. Also "like" my Facebook Page if that’s what you prefer for the same and come pin with me on Pinterest! The latest is my YouTube channel that I am over the moon about. Whatever your preference is, find me there and let’s hang out and learn together.

To book an appointment or schedule a virtual consultation to talk about your skin and the best route for you, click here. I have three and a half years of skin experience under my belt and I specialize in acne, age management and pigmentation. I’m pretty good at what I do and my greatest passion is to help you feel confident to do best at your “thing”. Take care of yourself and book that appointment!✨

To shop my line of curated, professional products, click here. True and tried by my beloved clients ❤️

Much love -A