The Truth About Tanning

We have been talking a lot lately about pigment, spray tans and acne scars. Are you ready for the truth bomb on what actually happens we when tan?

What happens when you tan

We have all, at some point, given into the "glow" of a tan. We love the heat, the color and the feeling it brings to be golden brown. There is no doubt, I'm sure you know exactly that feeling. Even I love it! Give me some hoop earrings and I am unstoppable.

Sooo what really happens? Think of Melanocytes like little PacMan cells. When you are exposed to sunlight they get "angry" and flood to the surface of your skin and create an umbrella-like effect to protect the fragile parts of the cells underneath.

Not every persons "umbrella" is built the same - fair-skinned people have “holes” in their umbrellas. Redheads, blondes and other fair skin types do not naturally have as much melanin in the skin to protect their skin from damage.

When we have a tan; the melanin is protecting the cells in the skin - specifically the nucleus. Yes, that means your DNA is actually mutating on a cellular level. Microscopic sun damage anyone??

Let's go over the choice of going to the tanning bed - seems innocent like you just want that glow - but you are actually changing your DNA.

Debunking some of the reasons for going to the tanning bed:

Vitamin D -

Yes, okay, Vitamin D is VERY important - but the best way to get it, is NATURALLY. Take a walk with friends or family, play in your garden, plant some flowers. The benefits are endless.

Not all UV's are created equal. Tanning bed exposes you to almost all UVA rays and not many of the UVB rays that provide healthy amounts of vitamin D. Think of UVA- A stands for Aging. UVB- B stands for burning.

UVA rays slowly break down the connective tissue that keeps your skin youthful and bouncy. Over time you will notice loss of volume, sun spots and deeper wrinkles. This is where “sun spots” come in.

Seasonal depression:

The UV rays in tanning beds actually have very little vitamin D - going on a walk outside is much more affective.

Acne Scars:

It may- temporarily. When the tan fades it will still be there only with the added bonus of pigment and sun damage. NO THANKS. See my last post over acne scars here to see how to properly heal them.

Just to get a Base Tan for Vacay:

Spray tans 10/10 - also see my Beauty S’Cool here for tips on the perfect spray tan!

According to the FDA, a base tan is equivalent to an SPF of 3 when trying not to turn. An SPF 30 is recommended to keep the cells in the skin from mutating and changing or allowing for any risk of skin caner.

Freckles and moles


Whether or not you think freckles are cute, most of us had them as kids! I always loved them because it meant summer and no school ? . As you age you may notice the freckles fade and moles begin to pop up over your body instead. I used to draw constellations with the moles on my arm when I got bored in class. LORDY.

Freckles are little deposits of melanin in the skin. It is basically too much melanin in ONE spot. It is a result of some sun damage. These cells are not active and are mostly harmless. They are signs, however of sun damage in the skin. They can show up in kids around the age of 2-3.


A mole is a little deposit of ACTIVE melanin. Moles grow, shift around and keep even change shape and color. These are important to be checked out by a professional and keep an eye on.

In conclusion

People with darker skin are not “less likely” to get skin cancer - you are actually high risk due to the already high amounts of melanin already present.

These days we have the greatest technology and have killer spray tans on the market. They can be plant-based, violet hued and work wonders on self-confidence. Find someone, or a brand you trust!

I hope this gives you a clear view of what ACTUALLY happens in the sun and tanning bed. Cheers to aging gracefully and loving our skin. It loves you and wants to protect you.

At the end of the day - WEAR SPF ??

Shop my mineral, non-pore clogging SPF here. I have three options for you to choose from!

Also if you are stuck in your routine or need some help with products, I would love to help you out! Book skin consultations and facials here.

See you next Friday!

Much love❤️ -A